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26 novembre 2019

1922/2019, Family case, Smyrne, Izmir.

Moi qui suis réfugiée en France à cause de mes prises de positions contre le nationalisme turc. (…) c'est impossible que je nie les massacres et toutes les violences qu'ont subi les Grecs, d'autant plus que mon arrière grande mère est grecque. C'est vrai,...
24 juillet 2019

Actualité au Moyen-Orient

Actualité au Moyen-Orient
The Turks simply didn’t have the industrial tools to kill more Christians more quickly, because these mechanics were unavailable at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. But working on this basis, how many people will be killed in the future – and...
14 avril 2019

The Untold Holocaust — Assyrian Genocide / Anatolie

The Untold Holocaust — Assyrian Genocide / Anatolie
This genocide was committed against the Assyrian population of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War by the Young Turks. The Assyrian population of northern Mesopotamia was forcibly relocated and massacred by Ottoman (Turkish and Kurdish)...