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Smyrne & Co
22 avril 2019

Pétition Algérie ——————————————— Informer n'est pas un délit !

Commentaire censuré par Courrier international le 21 avril 2019

Quand bien même je ne l'aurais pas lu l'Histoire nous l'enseigne : 

The years in question, the most violent in the recent history of the region, began during the reign of the Ottoman sultan Abdulhamid II, continued under the #YoungTurks, and ended during the first years of the #TurkishRepublic founded by #Atatürk 

Yet despite the dramatic swing from the Islamizing autocracy of the sultan to the secularizing republicanism of the post–World War I period, the nation’s annihilationist policies were remarkably constant, with continual recourse to premeditated mass killing, homicidal deportation, forced conversion, mass rape, and brutal abduction. And one thing more was a constant: the rallying cry of #jihad

While not justified under the teachings of Islam, the killing of two million Christians was effected through the calculated exhortation of the Turks to create a pure Muslim nation.

The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey’s Destruction of Its Christian Minorities, 1894–1924 - April 24, 2019
by Benny Morris and Dror Ze'evi 
—— Harvard University Press ———

Le Coran comporte 396 versets haineux, belliqueux, esclavagistes, anti-chrétiens, anti-juifs, appelant à tuer les apostats et les infidèles, 129 qui prônent la guerre et le djihad, 41 misogynes qui associent la femme au mal et au diable.

Informer n'est pas un délit !

Gabriel Hassan — Hoda Saliby, rédacteurs Courrier international - Signataires : Informer n'est pas un délit ! Informer muslim. Terminez vos phrases. @hodasaliby Journaliste Courrier international (@courrierinter - Paris) Machrek, Maghreb and more" —— And Turkey. Gabriel Hassan & Hoda Saliby : censeurs.

Informer n'est pas un délit !

